Am I freaking out?

DISCLAIMER – Oh! Oh! Oh! There is nothing going to be inspirational or informative or intellectual about this post.
*Freaking-out-alert*, this would be. Something out of my writing zone.

How many of you know that January has already been knocked down? No, that is perhaps a stupid question to ask. Question should be – “To how many of you the particular moment of knowing has hit that your year is already out of its first fragment January?” There are only twelve months in total, you know. And one of them has already been knocked down.


That means we are left only with eleven, out of which February has chosen to come up with twenty-eight days. See, February has itself given me a genuine reason to mark it under the category of being disliked. Why could this year be not a leap year? I know this year is not one of those ‘one-day longer years’ as 2017 is not completely divisible by four. I learnt this when I was a kid, the way to know if an year should be categorized as a leap year or not. All of us learnt this method, I guess. Didn’t we?

Yeah, so, while planning for innumerable things, I kind of forgot that the number of days I have is wholly a countable figure; nothing close to being countless. This probably is my first experience in being staggered by the passage of one month. A good thing or a bad one; I am yet to figure out.
Okay, a better way to see an year is through the glasses of days. That way I still have three hundred plus days, but that is just a picture to look at for calming oneself down. The truth is – I am left with just eleven months.

And probably this is the reason I do feel reluctant to go closer to my birthday month, too. It’s July by the way. So, I have got a reason to call July my favorite month, even though, this is an absurd point to mention right here. Birthdays could be considered good only if I could get cake of my choice and surprise gifts, but my next birthday will make me another year older. And that is an issue, a big one. Why couldn’t I just blow off my cake’s candles, if there would be any, and just enjoy my gifts, again, if I get any? Why is it a compulsion that I have to call myself a grown-up of twenty-three? I am fine with being twenty-two. Oh my God! Adulthood has started killing me. What would happen when I cross twenty-five? I know I would have already started feeling like a geriatric by then, which is nothing I am afraid of. I just don’t want to age this soon.
Oh! Got an idea, which is just an idea, by the way. If only I was born on twenty-ninth February, I would celebrate my birthday once in four years.  That means I would age four times slower. That is it. This is what I needed. A birth date of 29th February.  Just a thought, nothing serious.


As I cannot stop it from passing by, I would preferably do what I can. I will bid adieu to January with a smile, nobody said that it has to be a genuine one, and sparkle in my eyes. Using ‘sparkle in my eyes’ appealed to my fingers and eyes; it seemed little fancy to use.

I would love to bring a little change to the statement ‘I am a twentieth century girl’, if possible which is not. A change from above statement to ‘I am a twenty-first century girl’ would work fine. Just one word change. Nothing more. Can anybody do this miracle?


See, I am not freaking out, just sharing with you how it can feel like to be freaked out.

And this is how you must be feeling right now. Aren’t you? I hope not. *puppy face*


                  No credits for the Images used
Copyright © 2017 by Idle Muser. All rights reserved.


54 Comments Add yours

  1. Aks Thariani says:

    July! Yay,my favorite month too and yeah for the same reason 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      When is yours?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aks Thariani says:

        25th 😉
        When’s yours?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          3rd it is! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. prashantt says:

    Hey! Aditi..hope you’re doing good & yeah atleast something on a lighter notion from your pen finally😛😛
    You know whenever people asked for treat of birthday,i escaped with a statement that today i had a year short of my life😂😂
    Anyways its good to be get mature and as per human tendency we always longing for the things that are not in our hands for instance in childhood i wanted to get older & now i hope as if i could get my school-college days back…
    Lovely post again & yesss…not intellectual😜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      😂Birrhdays used to lure me till last year. But now, it is all different. I am different.
      We, humans, cannot just escape from our basic nature of appreciating a phase once it’s gone. We are humans, after all.😉
      This disclaimer is actually because of your comment, Prashantt, on my last post. I didn’t want my readers to expect me be highbrowed when they start reading this post, and end up with taking a queerish sigh – ‘What did I just read?’😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. prashantt says:

        Haha..good to see this side of you,that comment was just in a light notion please do not mind it as you write beautiful on some of the best needed topics unlike me and keep writing on it like this.
        And now i’ll not highbrow whenever reading your posts as there could be possibilities of quirk in it too..haha
        Have a great weekend ahead ahead Aditi!😊🙏

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          No, there was nothing to mind, Prashantt. In fact, I am glad that you gave me a disclaimer for my post through your comment.😉😄

          Liked by 1 person

          1. prashantt says:

            Relieved now..i was in dilemma whether you mind it.
            You write different & beautiful.Keep going on so that i’ll have more chances to deliver disclaimers.☺

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Idle Muser says:

              A big thanks, once again, for being such a genuine supporter of mine, Prashantt.☺️

              Liked by 1 person

  3. Priscilla says:

    I’m hitting my mid-twenties so I hear you 🙂 Whatever goals you have on your list, do it now! Stay cool 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you Priscilla for your words.☺️
      I am endeavouring myself in the direction, and hoping for fructuous results.🙂


  4. Love your energy… Lol! Do you dear getting older?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      It was an energetic rant.😅
      Yes, with every passing minute, actually.😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Omg… I meant to say fear! Hahahaha! Well I’m just letting you know that getting older is an honor where I come from.. Most people don’t even make it to 16 so be thankfull missy…😉👍

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          It’s an honor to be able to celebrate birthday, but not getting older.😛 On a serious note, I agree with you. Not everyone is lucky enough to be gifted with that long life. I was in a phase when I published this post. Now, so am over it and thus, won’t mind getting older (probably).😃

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Well always remember this and I’m just saying…. If you ever want to contact me out side of wordpress and talk you always welcome to miss. I’m all ears my friend but only if you want to. I’m not the type of person who says one thing and does another I’m loyal and real. But it’s up to you my friend. Maybe one day we can trade story’s. Who knows?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Idle Muser says:

              Of course, Christopher.
              Let time decide it for us. It would be my good luck if I could win a real friend through this virtual platform. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Understood…. Stay kool😎👍

                Liked by 1 person

      2. Just be kool like how you be kool! Don’t think so hard sweety. Everything will be ok for you.😎✌

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hahahaha! Omg! Only yesterday I was sort of freaking out because of the exact same reason, January over already? How is time flying so fast? Like seriously what on earth O_o
    I remember time crawling during my school days and now it feels like I blinked and an entire year got over! Also I agree with the birthday part. So damn true.
    Lol you’ve written it so amazingly that I could honestly feel my panic through your words😂😂😂😂 And gifs were just cherry on top!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      It feels good to know that I am not alone.😅
      Though this birthday thing has started this year only. Otherwise my next birthday’s excitement used to commemce with the passage of my current birthday.😛😂
      Even I loved those GIFs. I was just hoping that my cherries don’t take the limelight of my cake, and I feel they didn’t.😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha! My friends the same with birthdays. No they didn’t, only added to its humour😁


  6. Ste J says:

    fear not, things won’t go downhill until you’re 30, then its just a matter carrying on, or maybe I am just being dramatic. My birthday is the 17th December so I am a year older, then two weeks later I bid goodbye to another year, which pretty much doubles my age as I seem to be losing years willy-nilly.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Idle Muser says:

      I still have few years down the lane then. I am more concerned for my twenties than my thirties. Twenties have got a lot to do, and thirties are quite far-sighted now, so don’t have much plans for them, as of now.🙈
      Oh J! You know should be in our hands to decide our birthday date once we grow up.😁 Another illogical idea to compliment my whole, almost, illogical rant above.😛

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Even I have my birthday in July and have always wondered why I celebrate it, I mean I am not getting any younger.
    Well I freak out too often, but how much of it can I help?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      So, we are july babies, Moushmi. High-five.🙋😃
      Actua right. But if my every year, every month, passes by as per my plans, I would love to get older with every birthday. But even I don’t, that won’t help in bringing my younger years back to me. So, I better make my plans work.😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That goes for me too,
        And I am already behind schedule this year 😦


  8. Enjoyed reading your humourous take on your birthday and growing older. Worry not dear. Age is just a number. You will forever be as old as your heart desires. 😊💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you Radhika.😃
      I hope you didn’t judge me for my steamy outlet to let go of its steam.😛
      Age definitely is just a number, but you know when time passes by in a faster rate than you had expected, even this number scares you. Though now I am in a better state. Have moved over this ‘freaking-out’ phase.😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! All of us need an outlet to let our steam out. So no worries :). Glad to hear that you’ve moved over from that phase. Have a great weekend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. sudershana says:

    Haha, it was pretty awesome read. Mine is October and I am 19,I don’t have any disappointment with these numbers yet,but I know someday I too feel the same the way you do right now. Still it’s okay, do parties, shoppings and what not. You know what I love to do these crazy stuffs✌👍♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      So, you still living your teens, Sudershana. Cool.😃
      You should not feel this way, ever. In fact, having time still in your hands, you can actually bypass this phase.😍
      Shopping is my favorite too.😉


  10. Jolene says:

    My friend is born on Feb 29, and I can say it’s definitely good thing to know that you only have to get them a proper present once every 4 years… 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      😂Oh my! How could I forget this advantage, Jolene. See, your friend thought about your pocket even before she arrived in this world.😝😅


    1. Idle Muser says:

      Good morning.😊
      I checked your blog out, but it is in some other language. So, couldn’t understand a word.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Did you just mention your age!?! Anyways you’ve basically let out your feelings about all the crazy stuff that’s going on in that 21st century brain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Yeah I did mention it. Should I not have?😛😄
      Yes, everything out on the platter. Phew!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No, it’s perfectly fine. Atleast now I know that we are same age group.😅

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Simon says:

    It hardly seems possible. The best way too think of this is that Spring will soon be here! ☺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      I know Simon. All my ideas were just impossible and could be thought by an only freaked-out mind like mine.😛 Though I am over that phase now.😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Simon says:

        I’m glad there’s someone else here with a freaked out mind! Lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          I believe, every person has a freaked-out piece within, which comes out when time demands it.😛

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Simon says:

            I have to agree there! It’s kinda comforting! 😊


  13. shreyans says:

    what a creative way to use the scenes and depict your inner feelings…if you do what you like, time runs away, and if you don’t then time runs slow, so in both ways you win, in first with life and in second with time…nice post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you Shreyans for your appreciation and the important perspective of crossing that finish-line against other factors in any way.☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. shreyans says:

        welcome….enjoy your day


  14. Josh says:

    My Birth Month Feb! so much damage to it.. and that last one.. Emma stone just Rocked!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Oh no. That was just in a moment of heat. Otherwise I really don’t mind February. It’s a nice month, Josh.😁😛
      Yeah. The GIF!😄

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Josh says:

    Hahah!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Felicia Denise says:

    LOL! Loving that disclaimer! May have to ‘borrow’ it sometime! 😉

    My daughter turned twenty-five last month. Know what I told her? Happy QUARTER OF CENTURY! LMAO! Yes, I know…mean mommy! LOL!

    It’s gets better…really.

    (And I was a March 1st baby. Missed being born on February 29th by four hours and seventeen minutes. My mother swears I did it on purpose! Claims I was stubborn in the womb! LOL!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      You are free yo borrow it at your wish anytime, Nessie.😉
      Moms like to have fun too.😄 Description of what your mom says to you is hilarious.😂 ‘You did that on purpose’ – Antic.😅

      Liked by 1 person

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