Franz Kafka- For whom only weird was normal!

I am a cage, in search of a bird.
– Franz Kafka

Of late, I read one of the most influential, talked about writers of twentieth century – Franz Kafka! Now, the most important (this importance is solely for my personal reasons) and interesting fact about Kafka that I became aware of the moment I started reading his introduction was his date of birth, which is same as mine; and well, I got too excited about it and told about it to my dad, who laughed at first, and added, ‘When you’ll read him, you will realize how fundamentally different you both are.’ And this was just another push to me to start reading Kafka.

Kafka is primarily known for his absurd, surreal, or what can be generalized as ‘weird’ stories with kooky characters and concepts. There’s a reason why Kafkaesque term was coined. While browsing and shuffling around thousands (this number is for real, not exaggerating) of books in a bookstore, this book –The Complete Short Stories by Franz Kafka, caught my attention. I had heard his name but never researched about it and getting a book with almost a hundred of short stories at a reasonable price got me into its charm and that is how I got into buying it.

How one might feel while reading Kafka! Just a thought.

Enough of how and why this book! As most of you must know that I don’t write or talk about every other book that I read, here on my blog. Only if there is something unique or weird that I share an article here. So, if it’s Kafka, it’s got his reasons. (But if you’re interested, we can be friends on Goodreads. Goodreads is where I write my review for every book that I read.)

The Metamorphosis’, perhaps, Kafka’s most famous work, and certainly the longest of his short stories, was my second read (which I loved, by the way) in Kafka’s short story collections after ‘The Judgment.’ A human turned into a giant cockroach woke up in the morning- was the start of ‘The Metamorphosis’. Now, if I tell you a story about a human who, inexplicably, turned into a giant insect when he/she woke up in the morning after a night’s sleep and stayed the same for some years and his/her family freaked out but not as any family in real would have, would I lose my credibility as a writer? Kafka did it. And no, he didn’t lose any credibility of his as a writer; not at least for me.

So what if his ‘The Metamorphosis’ didn’t have the traditional character of human as the protagonist? So what if the protagonist was a human-turned-insect instead? How does it matter if the plight of a human, emotions of a man, feelings of a son and a brother are explained through the character of an insect and you still are thrown off guard and made to contemplate over human nature, over human relationships? In fact, doesn’t such a concept show the extension of one’s imagination, one’s creativity? For me ‘The Metamorphosis’ is the work of an utterly imaginative and creative person. If the story had failed in making me contemplate at its end then I’d have considered it a work worked upon too hard. But, fortunately, reading the not-so-traditional story paid off my time.

If not for imagination, if not for creativity what is there in writing? If an apple always has to stay an apple, if a human always has to stay a human then what new and different would we ever be able to read? Not am I at all trying to imply to always turn a human into an insect or vice-versa to make a better story but there should never be any restriction in keeping the things the way they always have been. Traditional is safe, but traditional is not all. Rational is logical, but irrationality has its own logic too.


After having been into writing for some time now, I’ve come to realize and believe that if the story doesn’t reflect an intimate piece of its writer somewhere in, at least, one sentence, or one character, or one prose, all writings and all stories would have been alike. There wouldn’t have been an “Idle Muser” but just a human trying to replicate another human.

Kafka had had a rough childhood, a not-so-plain young life and so the journey stayed the same in his adulthood, which he lived up to only 40 odd years, as well. Right now, I’m down his ten short stories (including all his much talked about work) and each of it, I feel, has a part of Kafka in it. A person’s life’s experiences mold his/her writings in such ways that, now I agree, written pieces can reveal a lot about their writers or about a world, people, places that these writers wish had either existed or never had. Some might disagree but if it’s contemplated over, deeply, thoroughly, you’d see what I’m talking about. (Because I, initially, was one of these, one of who wouldn’t believe what I’ve stated above.)

As for book, due to other (self-self) reading commitments I have put this book onto hold and would restart it sometime in future.

So, if next time you see a man turning into an insect overnight, don’t freak out. Perhaps, the insect, no matter how much irrational it seems, is the symbolism of something crucial.

By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.
– Franz Kafka

Have you ever read Kafka? Or anyone who is considered as weird as Kafka or, maybe, more than him? Do share your views and reviews.


No credit for the Images used
Copyright © 2017 by Idle Muser. All rights reserved.

19 Comments Add yours

  1. simonjkyte says:

    The Castle is the best

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Ah! That one is yet to be read. Will start by reading this one whenever I get back to his collection of short-stories.☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. lynnefisher says:

    Hi Aditi, I’ve read some Kafka, it was a while back now, when I had one of those thoughts, I must read Kafka! But there are certain images from his writing that stay with you, and a giant cockroach locked in a bedroom, lying on his/its back and seeing all his insect legs wiggling is one of mine. I can’t remember the symbolic analysis right now, but it was wonderful! Also read some of his other stories, very compelling. (still in my kindle library for revisiting sometime) Will now go and look at his childhood!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Hi Lynne!😃
      I am glad you found his style and work compelling and not absurd. I did read his quite a few short-stories including ‘The Penal Colony’ and ‘The Judgement’; loved them.
      Have you read any of his novel? which, I believe, he anyway didn’t write many. Right?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. simonjkyte says:

        He wrote 3 although none of them is complete (as such)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          Oh! The information on internet adds fuel to my confusion than solving anything.
          Thanks for providing some clarification, Simon.🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  3. prashantt says:

    I have not read his work but one of my friend from Montenegro suggest to read him, i came across with excerpts of his work many a times on blogs of literary experts and finally on your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      So, now you have got one to-read author.😉
      Do let me know how you find him if you happen to read about him or his work.


      1. prashantt says:

        Definately, i will let you know😊

        Liked by 1 person

  4. booksteaandmore says:

    The power of Kafka is that it makes you think and contemplate. His words have the power to put you in that frame of mind where thoughts become profound and deep. Such a well put out post. So articulate and well written. This made me want to pick up Kafka;s book again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you so much, Sudeepta!😃
      And yes, his stories do make you contemplate. I haven’t read much of him but after a dozen of his short-stories I have, at least, gotten a gist of his style, his way of looking at things.
      Reading him can be confusing, too, at times but that’s probably because I am not habitual to reading such work. So, that’s something I got to work upon.
      I am glad if this post made you pick him up again.🙂


  5. lilaiamoreliwordsaresacred says:

    What an interesting post! Kafka is considered a watershed for the literary world of the 20th century and is still viewed as a major literary figure. I haven’t honoured him yet, but I have his works in my future reading list. Well, as a writer he sure wasn’t afraid to go off the beaten track. Fortunately for us.

    As for weird writers, Arthur Machen with ”The Great God Pan” and ”The White People” and Robert W. Chambers with ”The King in Yellow” come to mind. Both of them blended fantasy, gothic and horror within a unique vision of the world and a very atmospheric setting.

    P. S. The quote at the end of your post belongs to Greek philosopher and writer Nikos Kazantzakis. It’s from his book ”Report to Greco.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you, Lilaia! I am glad you liked it.☺️
      Oh yes! Even I hadn’t had any plan of reading him (now) but, you know, sometimes bookstores themselves guide you in your shopping.😁

      Ah! Now I have got some new names to look for. Will check these books out.

      As of the quote in the end, thanks for letting me know. But when I googled about it, Google instead of untangling the situation made it more messy and now I don’t know if the quote was coined by Kafka, Nikos or Plato. But if you’re sure of your source then going with Nikos would be safer, I guess.😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lilaiamoreliwordsaresacred says:

        Yes, I know. The quote is attributed to three different sources, but it’s Nikos who came up with it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          Oh! Thanks for clarifying, Lilaia.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. lilaiamoreliwordsaresacred says:

            No problem!

            Liked by 1 person

  6. lilaiamoreliwordsaresacred says:

    Reblogged this on Lilaia Moreli – Words Are Sacred.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thanks for the reblog, Lilaia!🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lilaiamoreliwordsaresacred says:

        You are welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

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