Family of Punctuation on a road-trip!


Just when I was wondering how come the chatterbox was silent, his flap opened; this situation made me reconsider his once self-acclaimed label of being a psychic. But I must admit, which I don’t too often, that his moving flap was the only way to get the awkward silence spread among 13 of us being slashed.

Let me tell you how we, 13 of us, finally set off to this road trip of ours on our bicycles. Yeah, 13 cycles carrying a family of 13 people-aren’t friends the family too?

So, yesterday morning when I, Period, was going through newspaper and savoring the flavor of my favorite reporter’s article, Question Mark came to me and shot me with a toughie of his which I had never thought about-why did we never plan a trip together?

Why do you always have to have ask questions-the only thought that crossed my mind on listening to his question.

Just when a long series of questions was about to hit me (it always does and you’d know if you ever have talked to Question Mark), Ellipses came to my rescue. He and Question Mark got aside from the porch, where moments ago I was enjoying my morning, talked for a while and came up with the plan of a road trip the following day. When I asked Ellipses about the trip’s details he said, “We all will start from your home for twenty kilometers tomorrow…” and like always he trailed off without giving the full details.

I didn’t want to bother Question Mark with any queries. If I did the consequence would be more questions from his end; it was the last thing I wanted to face that morning. When Ellipses left, I saw Dash approaching us; he completed Ellipses incomplete sentence, like always. Tomorrow morning it was.

Some people are slaves of their habits, I suppose. Here you just witnessed 3 examples; many more to come.

Next day arrived and we started off from my home.

First few minutes of the ride were silent. But then, as I started off this story telling about chatterbox, our Quotation Mark-he pumped us all up with his jangle.

Most excited one was Exclamation Mark. He doesn’t need a reason to get excited, but only a statement. It’s like a Midas effect-you give a statement to Exclamation Mark and he will turn the plainest statement into an occasion to groove or mourn or fear or exhilarate or what not. Just a statement is all he needs.

“This is going to be one of the most cherishable rides of my life!” exclaimed none other than Exclamation Mark while paddling his cycle and enjoying the swiftness of summer zephyr.

“Keep your eyes on road, Exclamation Mark. I hope you still wish to reach back in one piece or shall I already book an ambulance, if you desire so.” This statement by Semicolon marked his signature style-of bringing two thoughts together; it’s his innate talent-to bring things closer.

Exclamation Mark just shrugged off his remark.

I sometimes wonder how such different personalities manage to mock each other often and never end up getting offended. How!

We have another buddy of ours who is following the same path as Semicolon’sColon.  Both Colon and Semicolon are cousins, unlike us (we all are brothers from different mothers.) And probably that is why Colon looks upon his elder brother more than any of us.

“Which way are we going to head to?” asked Question Mark.

I was directing him the route when the nitpicker, Brackets, of our group interrupted me and informed Question Mark about his wrong usage of ‘to’ in the end of his question. Even though we all were riding, each one of us managed to narrow our eyes on Brackets and shot him dead. I mean-Really Brackets? Even on a supposedly fun road-trip!

Even though it was summer but the day we chose for riding welcomed us with no scorching heat and clear sky. While most of us believe in enjoying the nature, not everybody does it privately.
So, when we were passing by the park area, which would end within a few hundred metres and we all would be riding on the main road, Hyphen started elaborating the blue sky above and green trees around. And just when I thought it was over, Parentheses added the extra information of the kinds of trees we were passing by.

Wow! What a perfect couple would they make together! One actually adds value to another. Yes, I know they aren’t into boys. Yes, so I know that isn’t possible.
Did I just act like Exclamation Mark? ‘People you surround yourself with affect you’ holds true, I guess.

The only part of the trip I didn’t like was the ride on main-road. Apostrophe was leading us and I had an intuition that it, him leading us, somehow wasn’t a wise decision.

“We will turn to RT at the next traffic light” ,he said and none of us really understood what he actually meant. We knew of right and left, but RT-what is that? His habit of contracting things would lead us to somewhere one day but nowhere safer-I had always thought.

Before I could reach to Apostrophe to ask what he meant, Comma did but not for the right reason. With the traffic signal being red he was supposed to stop but as reckless as he is he paused only for a little while and started pedaling again unaware of the car heading towards him; I had noticed the car. And I, Period, who loves ceasing, pedaled as fast as I could and dragged Comma back pulling his shirt’s collar.

Nobody got hurt.

By the end of the evening, having finished our first road-trip, I realized why we all stay together-because we complement each other’s shortcomings and make ourselves stronger; we work fine individually but our togetherness strengthens us.


                   No credit for the Images used
Copyright © 2017 by Idle Muser. All rights reserved.

12 Comments Add yours

  1. sk0611blog says:

    Even so much passage of time has not faded the charm of this little gem of yours. This post has been all along in mind like a blinker in the hazy night. Stumbled upon this piece while cleaning up my mailbox.

    You have proved again (besides other pieces of yours) that story does not need to be long to be impactful. In fact I have never come across such piece in my life. This has embedded the fun aspect while explaining the nuances of the punctuations which are highly important but never given the due credit. This is worthy of inclusion in the textbook for students.


  2. Annika Perry says:

    A brilliant post, very inventive and fun whilst addressing the bigger issue of punctuation. Your final sentence sums it up perfectly: ‘we work fine individually but our togetherness strengthens us.’ The cartoons to support your post are great and had me laughing.😀 A memorable post indeed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you, Annika, and getting such a comment from you is worth a great feeling! ❤
      There were numerous more cartoons/ comin strips of such kind but I could get only a few a few of them in my post. 😀
      Thanks again! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. prashantt says:

    Hey! Aditi…aah! These kind of thoughts and the art of moulding complex things into words is hard nut to crack but you keep continue to surprise people with such creativity.
    Like always you end up with a lovely message of unity and you’re certainly besy on it.📝👏👍😇

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      😁Thank you so much, Prashant!
      I am glad I could give you that ‘Ah!’ experience.😃
      Though the main motive of this short-story was to emphasize on the usage of right punctuation marks at the right places, but also, on a smaller scale, how important it is to pay equal heed to all the punctuation marks instead of getting obsessed with one or two.
      Good day!😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. prashantt says:

        Hi! Aditi,
        Hope you’re doing well, you always kept me in ‘Ah!’ experience whenever i read your beautiful work.Its not easy to write on complex & different subject via storytelling with a beautiful message.Keep writing and keep amazed us.
        Have a great weekend ahead😇

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          When people start expecting and talking this high of you, you ought to deliver well. (So much pressure. :p )
          Thanks, again, Prashantt! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. prashantt says:

            Aditi! You always came up well & sorted with words and keep writing like this (Do not take pressure).Expectations of people are compliment towards your skill & talent.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. sk0611blog says:

    Embellishing the article with relevant cartoons has been the icing on the cake.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      🙂 I Liked them too. They were fun. 😀


  5. sk0611blog says:

    Somehow this aspect of the language has never been credited with the importance it deserves. This is the punctuation which breathes life and drama into a listless and monotonous narration.
    Fantastic effort on one of the most underrated aspect of the language. Coming up with a lively and interesting story about this otherwise dry and boring aspect of the language is quite innovative. And the way you have carried the story has really the justice done to the subject matter.
    Congratulations! You have come up with a Gem. I wish I had this chapter in my curriculum or my English teacher was this innovative.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      ❤ Thank you so much, Sir! If you liked it this much, I surely must have done something really great in here. 🙂
      Is it weird or what, I don’t know, but even this part (punctuation) of language instead of being not-so-interesting interests me. And that is why I wanted to come up with something fresh and creative.
      It was fun penning down this story. 😀


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