Where was I, all this time?

After this long period of blank weeks, where do I come from? Am I rising from the dead? If not, where was I, all this time, you might wonder. Well, nowhere where I shouldn’t have been. I was here, right here, among you, just not active, not writing, not reading, just being. Life was fine, just changing (for good as the end declares.)

This is a general non-fiction blogpost. No fiction. I’m dying to pen down a story for you (soon I will), but why not start this innings with just some plain, naked talks?

It already is a new year, another New Year, another year to achieve, to fail, to learn, to grow, to explore, to breathe, to live, to just be. I meant to publish at least one post in December, 2018, to save myself from the guilt of having nothing posted on my blog in last three long months. Apparently, I failed. But, if anything, 2018 has taught me to never give up, to not lose hope, to learn from the faltering, and what else? That you, those who care, will hear me out. That it’s never too late to share things with you guys. That it’s never too late to begin again, and what could be a better day than the first day of a brand-new year to do so?!

2018 had treated me too well; not so well on the reading and writing ground, but personally and professionally, 2018 had some beautiful surprises hidden for me.
I read the least number books this year (bought nonetheless the same amount as past years,) I wrote the least this year, I did not submit anything for any writing contest, so, all in all I had a not-so-much interactive 2018 with books and laptop (where I write). Then what did I even do with my life? Well, I got a new job in a city that I had been trying hard to get into from quite long, I visited places that I had been wishing from long to go to, I spent time with my loved ones (the most in the past two years), I made new friends, I got out of my comfort zone a lot of times, I adapted to or let go of the situations I had no control on, I watched some amazing, meaningful and mind-blowing movies and tv-series, I cooked the most in past six months than I ever did in my life, I started with a course that might help me professionally, I learnt to care a little lesser about the world’s views on my life, I learnt about the essence of finding a balance in whatever you do.

So, yes, a lot did happen in 2018. A lot more could have happened if I had a list. Yet, I cannot complain about it now, for it has gone and there’s a lot more to do than to dwell on the past, right?

There’s another thing that I learnt from 2018- the importance of having a goal in vision. Which I did not have last year because I chose not to have any New Year Resolutions list, unlike 2017. I probably will have a separate post for this topic, but in nutshell I’d state that having this list, which does seem like a joke to some and doesn’t work for many, could have made my 2018 more productive.

Oh 2018! You wonderful 2018! You were kind to me and cruel to some, lively for me and dreadful for some, beautiful for me and ugly for some. But now you are gone, for better or for worse, you are now gone to let 2019 make its way.

So, yes, I was here along with you and among you, all this time, just with my eyes closed.

Today was the first day of 2019 (a very Happy New Year on that note), and if not a great day, I hope it was not bad for you. Mine was great for the sole reason that I finally gathered the courage to pen something down for the blog since past many blank weeks. You know how scared I am of blank things, blank weeks, blank days, blank pages.

How was 2018 for you? Was it kind? Or was it harsh? Was the summer sunnier to you? Was the spring cheerier to you? Were the bells merrier, the snow whiter and the Santa on his reindeer in the winter for you? Tell me, how was 2018 for you?


Copyright © 2019 by Idle Muser. All rights reserved.

22 Comments Add yours

  1. Prashantt says:

    Hey Aditi! Hws you…i hope following year is treating you like the last year and wishes on new job assignment.
    Likewise you i had a great last year and was not active here but straightaway here to look on stories from your pen.
    Keep writing and stay happy!😇


  2. Very nicely written! Do check my blogs on https://mesmotsbysazz.com/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you. Yes, sure, I will.


  3. Ste J says:

    Happy New Year (belatedly)! 2018 was a wonderful year of exploration for me, but like you not so much on the reading and writing front. This year I hope to combine both r&w with focussing on my career or at least what it is likely to be. I wonder where we will be in a year’s time but I look forward to journeying with you this year, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lynnefisher says:

    Lovely reflections, Aditi…I don’t write a list but have aims nonetheless. And it can be interesting to reflect back and realise what one has achieved for oneself that really matters in one’s own estimation. But something in me rebels against the expectations to do this at this time of year when we can do it at any time at all. Having said this, I do wish you a happy new year and best wishes for all you are planning to do or feel in the year to come. Every day counts. Cheers, Aditi!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ankur Mithal says:

    Change of a year. I wonder what that changes? Sure, it brings a lot of things. But so does each new moment. Anyway, wish you a Happy New Year and a Happy New Day and a Happy New Hour…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Yes, Ankur, I agree with you. Yet, change of a year does bring more hope and zeal for me as compared to other changes; this time makes me feel better about myself or everything in general, and so I love this period.

      Hope you are having a great 2019.


  6. It’s always wonderful to take away learnings from the year gone by. Hope you have a wonderful 2019 Aditi!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Wish you the same, Radhika!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Akhila says:

    Happy new year aditi..keep going wonderfully

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Hope you’re doing good, Akhila!
      Have a wonderful year, month, week, day ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Jolene says:

    Happy new year Aditi! It’s great to hear you have had a jam-packed 2018, even if it was jam-packed by the things you normally didn’t do. Branching out and testing your bandwidth is always a good thing. It’s good to hear you are back, and hope the new year treats you kindly. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      I thought you had left WP, Jolene, because I couldn’t find your blog. But here you are. I’m so glad. Thanks for the wishes.
      It was a year I think I needed much in my life for its newness, its freshness. Otherwise 2018 would also have been like 2017 (which was pretty good too in its own way.) 2018 was a year of change, I guess.

      How was the previous year for you?

      PS- I will check out your posts soon.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jolene says:

        Aditi, I’m definitely still on WP 😊 I would miss the friends here terribly if I were to leave. I’m glad you have pushed many boundaries in 2018, you are right, we all need to reinvent ourselves from time to time.
        I have also been challenging myself in the past year, I took on a new role (a role that calls for extroversion which I don’t have, but nonetheless I’m determined to make it work in my own way).
        Look forward to seeing more of you. Enjoy the weekend! ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

  9. sk0611blog says:

    Welcome back Aditi! Nice to see you after a long time. Was wondering whether you were fighting a writer’s block or was it a willful recluse. Anyway good to see you back. Hoping to see more of your diverse gems. All the best for your personal and professional front!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you so much for these wonderful and warm wishes. I hope I can keep up with your as well as my writing endeavours.

      Wish you success, happiness and peace for this new year too.


  10. Welcome back Aditi. Surprisingly, I’ve missed your posts and email notifications and was wondering where you had gone. I hope you continue blogging regularly too. I love your blog. Happy new year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you so much for these warm words. I’m glad that I do have some people around who like what I write. Hope I can keep up with my work here.

      Wish you love and happiness and peace for this new year. Hope it treats you kindly.


  11. Ashish Kuvvarapu says:

    A very simplistic yet genuine reflection of the year gone by , but what shines the most is the optimism which echoes throughout the post. I honestly look forward to read more of your works Aditi , Cudos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you so much, Ashish!
      I’m really lucky to have people like you around who not only read my writings but also leave a thoughtful comment behind. Thanks, again.

      I hope your 2019 goes much better and joyful than the past year.


  12. Hargun Wahi says:

    Happy new year Aditi. It’s time to learn from past and keep it intact.
    Hope you post a lot this year..happy blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you so much, Hargun!

      Hope you’re having a great time in the nascent stage of this new year. Wish you lots of love and peace for this and all the coming years.

      Liked by 1 person

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