I was born a Human!

I was born a human,
but the world degraded me to an eye-candy,
turned me into an object,
excluded me from being one of them, one of human baby.

Even before one is born,
a mother mourns.
Not because she is having a girl,
but because her baby girl is doomed to live in a world of wolves.

 Wolves that are neither a male nor a female,
But the kind that looks for the ways to suppress one to elevate the other.
Of them some are the ones who pray goddesses – Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati,
but prey on the same accusing their clothes, upbringing, and demeanor.

 Things were fine in the long gone days.
“Are women’s breasts a body part?”
Is now not even a question.
Because sexual object as they are that men are deemed to stare at.

 The objectification of women and her body parts is such,
That an advertisement of men’s suit,
has more women in backless dresses than men wearing the targeted product.
And thus a message is successfully sent across of women being a piece of bait.

If not for objectification,
Then thousands of teen girls wouldn’t be rushing for plastic surgeries.
Their breasts, their buttocks, their thighs,
after all, every object needs to be flawless in a world of dummies.

Had we ever considered them more than an object,
Had we ever considered them a living, breathing being,
No grandmother would have gotten her granddaughter killed in the womb,
and no husband would have forced himself on his “darling.”

If smart then witty,
If slow then corny,
If fair then delicious and pretty,
If dark then hideous and ugly.

If curvy then slutty,
If thin then a woman in a man’s body,
If loquacious then flirty,
If silent then playing dirty.

Who decided these standards?
Knows nobody.
When women turned into objects?
Here I am, asking you, them, and everybody!


The inspiration behind this poem is the book, UNFOLLOW, by Dr. Linda. As I had mentioned in my review for the same book, here is the one on objectification of females and their body parts; this attitude of ours has such an omnipresence that it has become our, women included, second nature and before we even realize (mostly we never) it, we are objectifying one.

We may say things aren’t extreme, that we can ignore the trivialities, that it’s going to be fine, but it’s this ignorance and denial of ours that has lead to where things are today, and, if nothing is done to remediate it to-day, nothing different can be expected of to-morrow.

How much do you agree or disagree with it? Do share. Let’s talk about it.


No credit for the Image used
Copyright © 2017 by Idle Muser. All rights reserved.

15 Comments Add yours

  1. prashantt says:

    Another compelling & unflinch expression of words from wonderful wordsmith, like always beautifully portrayed the scenario of women trauma that doesn’t vouch for pity but respect like we do for innumerable goddess/mother or sister however i have seen a huge change in mentality of men world for females as now a days F gender boundaries are not limited to household work world but they are leading the world.
    Keep smiling & writing!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thanks for sharing your views, Prashantt!
      Change can definitely be witnessed around, as you said; mindsets widening, arms welcoming, hearts more accepting. But a lot still needs to be mend, to be reformed. And if done together, this can be achieved sooner and with, perhaps, lesser battles and struggles.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. prashantt says:

        Yes, it can be done together however it can only be initiated on individual practice in society be it workplace, home towards females to bring the change in others and change always asks for time.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Jolene says:

    Powerful piece Aditi! Easy to see how the book has influenced you so strongly. I like the realism of it. Does everything women fight for, the so called gender equality, ultimately come at a price of demeaning the very essence of who we are. The “suppressing one in order to elevate the other”? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you, Jolene! I’m glad you liked it.☺️
      More than the book’s influence, though it did provide me some useful insights through surveys and facts, these’re the thoughts that had been there within me from long, but, for some reason, I couldn’t put forth them in the form of a writing piece. Reading this book reminded me of many such issues and, finally, I could find words to express my views on them.
      It makes me wonder too! But so many, on the name of gender equality, don’t realize what they’re losing in order to attain something, which, if they rethink, might not even be worth their fights and protests.
      And all this while, there still are some people who believe (consciously or subconsciously) that only if they demean the other can they uplift themselves. In my poem, that line, in particular, has hinted towards those who live by such ideologies.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Enigma says:

    With each word, each emotion, I fell in love with this piece.
    Its not just a poetry for me, its a wild ember that is ablaze in the hearts of every female.
    Poetry suits you, girl!
    Admirable and atrocious at the same time.
    Enigma ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      Thank you so much! The appreciation coming from one, who herself is into core-poetry, means a lot.😘
      Through my words, I wish, I so wish that I can make, if not more, at least one person (be it a man or a woman) realize the agonising trauma a girl/ woman constantly endures. We mark such things as trivial but if this is what trivial is, I wonder what the substantial issues are!

      PS- Here is an out of context question. You had told me once that you like Nikita Gill’s poetry; have you read her “Wild Embers”, which is released recently?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Enigma says:

        True, traumas endured by us girls at not trivial. Alas! It will take time to make this eternal unpleasing society understand.

        Well, since you mentioned about the plight of us I decided to raise the subject of Nikita Gill. But you did that too. So yes, I am a hard- core fan of her poems and I have read the book “Wild Embers”,
        I am not a professional critic like you but yes I can tell you that it is a must read. It features subjects of woman, rewritten fairy tales, female Greek Goddesses and cosmic theories. After reading this poetry, I should definitely suggest you should give it a read.

        PS: I love out of context questions, by the way. 😉

        Much love,
        Enigma ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Idle Muser says:

          Alright! I can go forward to buying it then.
          And I’m not a professional critic. Just try to share my experience that I had with the book/novel.☺️

          PS- I shouldn’t mind adding these PSs in future then.😄

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Enigma says:

            PS: You shouldn’t


  4. mihrank says:

    The title is so powerful, meaningful speaks by itself!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idle Muser says:

      It is, right? Here we are all striving to make humans treat pitiful animals- dogs, cats and others- in humane way (which I am completely in support of); all this while ignoring the ongoing practice of demeaning and degrading the ones who were already born as humans.


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